I’m a dark theme nerd. Partially because of the hacker aesthetic, but mostly because I prefer to work in dark environments and light themes turn computer screens into floodlights. However, in well lit rooms (or when working outdoors) dark themes become completely unreadable. Such is the case in my office during the morning hours. Naturally, I figured out how to change the system theme from the command line, immediately updating running GTK and Qt applications.
In a previous post I showed how to work around a deadlock between GnuPG and Emacs. As a brief recap, GnuPG 2.4.1 introduced a change in its output which breaks a protocol that Emacs relied on, so I pinned GnuPG to version 2.4.0 on my system to avoid the bug. Damien Cassou reached out to me and expressed a preferred way of dealing with this issue: patch the current version of GnuPG so it doesn’t contain the bug.
As some of you may know, I practically live inside Emacs. And like a lot of Emacs users a good portion of that time is spend in org-mode, a package that is hard to describe due to its overwhelming large number of features. One of the many ways I use org-mode is to implement a Getting Things Done (GTD) workflow. That is, managing all of the projects that I’m trying to push forward as well as all of the routine recurring tasks that I have to deal with on a daily basis.
GnuPG 2.4.1 was released all the way back in May but I failed to notice until I upgraded to NixOS 23.11 a few weeks ago. And I only noticed because Emacs froze when I tried to save an encrypted file. It didn’t take me long to realize it was due to a change in GnuPG. Emacs and Encrypted Files When working with encrypted files Emacs goes to great lengths to ensure the unencrypted cleartext is never written to the file system.