Automatic Theme Switching in Emacs
Patching Instead of Pinning
Archiving in Org Mode
Pinning GnuPG with nixpkgs
Why the world needs Haskell
Parsing with Haskell and Attoparsec
Learn to read and write Scheme expressions
Picking your first programming language
JavaScript as a virtual machine?
Unix cheat sheets
Being explicit with your code
RubyGem Version Specifiers
Ruby/Rails Compatibility Matrix
Ruby's catch/throw, goto's little brother
Fun stuff for Friday Feb. 24
Fun stuff for Friday Feb. 10
Using Haskell to improve your C++
Rails 4.0 will drop support for Ruby 1.8.7
Why estimating is hard
Fixing programming by besting current languages
I took some programming in school != programmer
2012 seems to be the year for learning to code
Hashing algorithm vulnerable to denial of service
Java is dead, long live Java
Fun stuff for Friday Dec. 16
PostgreSQL as a key-value store
Improving your skills by reading commits
VendorKit: bundler for Objective-C
Fun stuff for Friday Dec. 2
Seven databases in seven weeks
HAML users repent before it's too late
Don't be affraid to learn vi or emacs
Git workflows and configuration
Simple code makes good software
Fun stuff for Friday Nov. 18
Concurrency in Ruby 1.9
The Objective-C object model
C++11 move semantics and rvalue references
Remote pair programming in a terminal
Fun stuff for Friday Nov. 11
Those Objective-C "@" Directives
The basics of good programming style
A closer look at Redis
Managing debt buildup while developing
The longevity of OS APIs vs. web APIs
Self-guided Ruby on Rails 3.1 Tutorial
Fun stuff for Friday Nov. 4
Global Day of Coderetreat
Learning the fundamentals of Scala
Giving JavaScript another chance
More on code coverage metrics
Fun stuff for Friday
Garbage collection/reference counting in C++11
Don't do your own date/time calculations
Keep learning and make mistakes
Fun stuff for Friday
Write HTML/XML faster with Zen Coding
Using regular expressions in C++11
Still looking for a language to learn this year?
Sharing your private Git repositories
Challenge your text editor fu
Reactions to Dart, 17k line Hello World
Programming tips from a photographer
Subversion 1.7 released, goodbye .svn pollution
Google's language for people who hate JavaScript
C++11 is officially released, goodbye C++0x
Unix toolbox: sed and awk
NewtonScript and other prototype-based languages
Ruby Core Team: Dude, Ruby 1.8 is dead, really
Playing with Google Go
Don't write CPU intensive code in JS, duh
The path to being a better developer
The diminishing returns of testing
Replacing master with another Git branch
Google releases JS Test
Understanding Ruby Singleton Classes
Behind the code: project planning